Browse All Self-Hosted PHP Packages
Explore a complete directory of standalone PHP libraries. No Composer required. Each package is tested, lightweight, and ready to use in seconds — perfect for shared hosting and legacy environments.
fileeye/pel -
flix-tech/avro-php -
foroco/php-browser-detection -
friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts -
friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php -
friendsoftwig/twigcs -
fruitcake/laravel-cors -
functional-php/fantasy-land -
fzaninotto/faker -
geocoder-php/google-maps-provider -
giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php -
giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite -
giggsey/locale -
gitonomy/gitlib -
globalcitizen/php-iban -
goetas-webservices/xsd-reader -
goetas-webservices/xsd2php-runtime -