Free PHP Libraries – Ready to Use Without Composer

Welcome to – your trusted source for standalone PHP packages with no dependency managers required. Every library is lightweight, manually tested, and ready for production or quick deployment on any server – including shared hosting and legacy environments.

To start using a library, simply download your preferred version and include it in your project like this:

require_once 'libs/creator/library/1.0.1/autoload.php';

Each package includes a real-world working example and basic usage instructions – no Composer, no setup, just plug-and-play. 🔧

📌 Recently Added

  • livewire/livewire

    Livewire PHP library provides seamless integration for real-time dynamic content updates in web applications.

  • laravel/pail

    Pail is a PHP library for handling file uploads securely and efficiently in Laravel applications, providing robust features and seamless integration.

  • illuminate/macroable

    Illuminate Macroable: A powerful PHP library for extending classes dynamically with macros.

  • illuminate/contracts

    Illuminate Contracts provides a set of interfaces for Laravel framework components.

  • illuminate/collections

    Powerful PHP library for handling collections efficiently in Laravel applications.

  • giggsey/locale

    PHP library for handling localization and internationalization in web applications efficiently and easily.

  • giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php

    A PHP library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers using the libphonenumber library.

  • ringcentral/psr7

    RingCentral's PSR-7 library provides a comprehensive set of tools for PHP developers to work with HTTP messages efficiently and effectively.

  • sonata-project/cache

    A PHP library for caching data efficiently and improving application performance.

  • authorizenet/authorizenet

    secure PHP library for integrating with Authorize.Net payment gateway, simplifying online payment processing for e-commerce websites

  • stichoza/google-translate-php

    A PHP library for Google Translate API integration, enabling seamless translation of text with ease and efficiency for various applications and use cases.

  • vonage/jwt

    A PHP library for handling JSON Web Tokens (JWT) efficiently and securely.

  • brainmaestro/composer-git-hooks

    A powerful PHP library for managing git hooks in your composer projects efficiently with ease and flexibility.

  • martinlindhe/php-mb-helpers

    PHP library providing helpful multibyte string functions for better performance and compatibility with multibyte character encodings.

  • beyondcode/laravel-websockets

    Laravel package for real-time web applications using WebSockets technology, enabling bi-directional communication between clients and servers efficiently.

  • amphp/http

    amphp/http is a powerful PHP library for asynchronous HTTP requests handling with ease of use and high performance.

  • prestashop/circuit-breaker

    A PHP library for implementing the circuit breaker pattern to enhance fault tolerance and stability in distributed systems.

  • mezzio/mezzio-router

    Mezzio Router is a powerful PHP library for routing requests in Mezzio applications, providing flexible and efficient routing solutions.

  • nette/database

    nette database is a versatile PHP library for database management, providing easy and efficient database operations.

  • qossmic/deptrac-shim

    Deptrac shim library for seamless integration with PHP projects, ensuring clean code architecture and adherence to defined dependencies.

🔥 Most Popular

  • phpmailer/phpmailer

    PHPMailer is a popular library for sending email messages in PHP applications with advanced features and robust security.