PHP Libraries by laminas
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The laminas-authentication library provides robust authentication solutions for PHP applications, ensuring secure user access control and management.
Latest Version: 2.18.0
Laminas Barcode is a versatile PHP library for generating various types of barcodes efficiently and easily. It supports popular barcode formats like QR codes, UPC, EAN, and more.
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Laminas Cache is a powerful PHP library for caching data efficiently, providing seamless integration with various storage backends and robust cache management capabilities.
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Efficient APCu storage adapter for Laminas PHP cache library with seamless integration
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Laminas Cache Storage Adapter Blackhole is a PHP library that provides a blackhole cache storage adapter for the Laminas Cache component.
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Efficiently store and retrieve cached data using filesystem as the storage backend with laminas-cache-storage-adapter-filesystem library.
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Efficiently cache data using Memcached with laminas-cache-storage-adapter-memcached for optimal performance and speed.
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Efficient PHP library for caching data in memory with high performance and flexibility for web applications.
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Efficient PHP library for caching data with Redis storage adapter, boosting application performance and scalability.
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Laminas Captcha is a PHP library designed to generate and validate CAPTCHA images for enhanced security in web forms, helping prevent automated abuse and spam submissions.
Latest Version: 2.18.0
Laminas CLI is a powerful PHP library for building command-line applications with ease and efficiency, providing a wide range of features and tools for developers.
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Laminas Code is a powerful PHP library for code generation and manipulation, offering a wide range of features to streamline development tasks and boost productivity.
Latest Version: 4.16.0
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Laminas Config is a PHP library for managing configuration data efficiently and securely in PHP applications. It provides a flexible and robust solution for handling various configuration settings.
Latest Version: 3.10.1
Laminas Config Aggregator is a powerful PHP library for aggregating configuration dynamically in your applications, improving flexibility and performance.
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Laminas Console is a powerful PHP library for building interactive command-line applications with ease and flexibility, providing a seamless experience for developers.
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laminas-crypt is a PHP library for cryptographic operations, providing secure encryption and decryption functions for data protection in web applications.
Latest Version: 4.0.0
Laminas-DB is a powerful PHP library for database operations, supporting various database systems with ease of use and high performance.
Latest Version: 2.20.0
Laminas Developer Tools is a powerful PHP library for debugging and profiling applications, providing essential insights for developers to optimize performance and identify issues quickly.
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Laminas Development Mode is a tool for optimizing the development process of PHP applications built with the laminas framework.
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Laminas Dependency Injection component provides powerful and flexible dependency injection container functionality for PHP applications.
Latest Version: 3.15.0
Laminas Diactoros is a PHP library for HTTP message handling, providing PSR-7 implementations for HTTP messages, stream interfaces, and uploaded files.
Latest Version: 3.5.0
Laminas Diagnostics is a powerful PHP library for comprehensive website health checks and monitoring, providing valuable insights and actionable recommendations for improving performance and reliability.
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laminas-dom is a PHP library for working with the Document Object Model (DOM) in a flexible and efficient manner. It provides a wide range of features for manipulating HTML and XML documents with ease.
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Laminas Escaper is a PHP library for secure and efficient output escaping in web applications, protecting against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Latest Version: 2.16.0
Laminas EventManager is a PHP library for managing events and listeners efficiently in applications.
Latest Version: 3.14.0
Laminas-feed is a powerful PHP library for generating and parsing RSS and Atom feeds. It provides a simple and efficient way to create and consume syndication feeds.
Latest Version: 2.23.0
Laminas File is a powerful PHP library for file manipulation and handling. It provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with files efficiently and securely.
Latest Version: 2.13.1
Powerful PHP library for data filtering and validation, ensuring data integrity and security in web applications.
Latest Version: 2.40.0
Laminas Form is a powerful PHP library for creating and handling forms in web applications efficiently and securely with built-in validation and filtering capabilities.
Latest Version: 3.21.0
Laminas HTTP component provides a powerful and flexible way to work with HTTP requests and responses in PHP applications.
Latest Version: 2.21.0
Laminas HttpClientRunner is a versatile PHP library for handling HTTP requests efficiently with customizable options and robust error handling capabilities.
Latest Version: 2.11.0
Laminas Hydrator is a powerful PHP library for data extraction and object hydration. It simplifies the process of populating PHP objects from arrays or other data sources.
Latest Version: 4.16.0
Laminas i18n is a powerful PHP library for internationalization and localization, providing seamless translation support for multilingual websites.
Latest Version: 2.29.0
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Laminas i18n resources library provides internationalization tools for PHP applications to manage multilingual content efficiently and effectively.
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Laminas InputFilter is a powerful PHP library for filtering and validating input data in web applications, ensuring data integrity and security.
Latest Version: 2.31.0
Laminas JSON library provides powerful JSON encoding and decoding capabilities for PHP applications, ensuring efficient data interchange.
Latest Version: 3.7.1
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Laminas LDAP library provides tools for managing LDAP connections and operations in PHP applications efficiently and securely.
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Laminas Loader is a powerful PHP library for autoloading classes efficiently and dynamically in applications.
Latest Version: 2.11.1
Laminas Log is a powerful PHP logging library for managing application logs efficiently and effectively with customizable features and flexibility for developers.
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Laminas-Mail is a PHP library for sending and receiving emails with ease, providing various features for email handling in your applications.
Latest Version: 2.25.1
A powerful PHP library for advanced mathematical operations and calculations, offering a wide range of functions and utilities for numerical computing and mathematical analysis.
Latest Version: 3.8.1
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Laminas Mime is a powerful PHP library for handling MIME types and email messages efficiently. It provides robust functionality for parsing, creating, and manipulating MIME content.
Latest Version: 2.12.0
Laminas ModuleManager is a powerful PHP library for managing modules in your application, providing flexibility and scalability. It enables seamless integration of modular architecture, enhancing code organization and maintenance.
Latest Version: 2.17.0
Laminas MVC is a powerful PHP library for building dynamic web applications using the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern, offering robust routing, templating, and request handling capabilities.
Latest Version: 3.8.0
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Laminas MVC internationalization library for seamless multilingual web applications with PHP.
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The laminas-mvc-plugin-fileprg PHP library provides a convenient way to handle file POST-Redirect-GET (PRG) patterns in laminas-mvc applications.
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Laminas MVC Plugin FlashMessenger provides flash messages functionality for PHP applications using Laminas MVC framework.
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The laminas mvc plugin identity provides identity management functionality for laminas mvc applications, enhancing user authentication and authorization capabilities.
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Laminas MVC Plugin PRG provides Post-Redirect-Get pattern implementation for PHP applications using Laminas framework.
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Laminas Navigation is a PHP library for managing website navigation menus efficiently with SEO optimization and flexibility for dynamic content.
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Laminas OAuth library provides secure authorization for PHP applications, supporting OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 protocols with ease of integration and advanced security features.
Latest Version: 2.7.0
Laminas Paginator is a powerful and flexible PHP library for pagination in web applications, providing easy navigation through large sets of data.
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Laminas Permissions ACL is a powerful PHP library for managing access control lists and permissions in web applications efficiently and securely.
Latest Version: 2.17.0
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for PHP applications, manage permissions easily and efficiently.
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The laminas-psr7bridge PHP library provides seamless integration between laminas and PSR-7 for efficient HTTP message handling in PHP applications.
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Laminas Recaptcha is a PHP library that provides integration with Google's reCAPTCHA service for protecting your web forms from spam and abuse.
Latest Version: 3.8.0
Laminas Router is a powerful PHP library for routing requests in web applications, providing flexibility and performance.
Latest Version: 3.14.0
Laminas Serializer is a powerful PHP library for data serialization and deserialization, providing flexible and efficient solutions for handling data formats.
Latest Version: 2.18.0
Laminas Server is a powerful PHP library for building robust and scalable server-side applications with ease and efficiency, providing a comprehensive set of tools and features.
Latest Version: 2.18.0
Laminas Servicemanager is a powerful PHP library for managing dependencies and services efficiently in your applications.
Latest Version: 4.4.0
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Laminas Session is a powerful PHP library for managing session data securely and efficiently in web applications.
Latest Version: 2.24.0
Laminas Soap is a powerful PHP library for handling SOAP requests and responses efficiently and securely, providing seamless integration with SOAP-based web services.
Latest Version: 2.14.0
Laminas Stdlib is a versatile PHP library offering a wide range of utility classes for common tasks in web development, providing essential functionality for building robust applications efficiently.
Latest Version: 3.20.0
Laminas Stratigility is a powerful middleware foundation for PHP applications, enabling robust request handling and response creation.
Latest Version: 4.1.0
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Laminas Test is a powerful PHP testing library for unit and integration testing with comprehensive features and easy setup.
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Laminas Text is a powerful PHP library for text manipulation and processing, offering a wide range of features for developers.
Latest Version: 2.12.1
Laminas Translator is a powerful PHP library for translating messages in multiple languages with ease and efficiency. It provides a flexible and robust solution for internationalization of web applications.
Latest Version: 1.1.0
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laminas/laminas-uri is a PHP library for managing URIs with ease, providing robust functionality for parsing, building, and manipulating uniform resource identifiers.
Latest Version: 2.13.0
Laminas Validator is a PHP library providing a comprehensive set of validation tools for input data validation in web applications.
Latest Version: 3.1.0
The laminas-view PHP library provides powerful view management capabilities for web applications, supporting template rendering and layout composition efficiently.
Latest Version: 2.36.0
Laminas XML library provides powerful tools for parsing and generating XML documents efficiently in PHP applications.
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Laminas XML-RPC library for PHP developers to enable easy communication between different systems over HTTP using the XML-RPC protocol.
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The laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge library provides seamless integration between laminas and Zend Framework components for enhanced PHP development.
Latest Version: 1.8.0