Browse All Self-Hosted PHP Packages
Explore a complete directory of standalone PHP libraries. No Composer required. Each package is tested, lightweight, and ready to use in seconds — perfect for shared hosting and legacy environments.
abbadon1334/sun-position-spa-php -
abbasudo/laravel-purity -
abbasudo/pulse-users -
abbotton/ios-png-parser -
abcaeffchen/sepa-documentor -
abcaeffchen/sepa-utilities -
abcaeffchen/sephpa -
abdelhamiderrahmouni/filament-monaco-editor -
abeautifulsite/simpleimage -
abellion/xenus -
abenity/abenity-php -
abetomo/convert-athena-query-results-to-array -
abivia/hydration -
abivia/ledger -
ably/ably-php -
ably/ably-php-laravel -
ably/laravel-broadcaster -