Browse All Self-Hosted PHP Packages
Explore a complete directory of standalone PHP libraries. No Composer required. Each package is tested, lightweight, and ready to use in seconds — perfect for shared hosting and legacy environments.
cebe/php-openapi -
chargebee/chargebee-php -
chi-teck/drupal-code-generator -
chillerlan/php-qrcode -
chillerlan/php-settings-container -
chrome-php/chrome -
cloudevents/sdk-php -
cloudinary/cloudinary_php -
clue/redis-protocol -
clue/socket-raw -
clue/stream-filter -
cmgmyr/phploc -
cocur/slugify -
codeception/codeception -
codeception/lib-asserts -
codeception/lib-innerbrowser -
codeception/lib-web -