PHP Package: amphp/cache
High-performance PHP caching library for efficient data storage and retrieval.
Package Description
The amphp/cache library is a robust solution for caching data in PHP applications, providing a fast and reliable mechanism for storing and retrieving information. With support for various caching strategies and easy integration, this library is essential for optimizing application performance and reducing database load. Built on top of asynchronous principles, amphp/cache ensures efficient data management and seamless scalability. Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale application, this library offers the tools you need to streamline data caching effectively.
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Download Latest Version: 2.0.1

Code Integration Example
Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.
// Example from
require_once 'libs/amphp/cache/2.0.1/autoload.php';
use Amp\Cache\Cache;
use Amp\Cache\SimpleCache;
$obj = new Amp\Cache\Cache();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";
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