PHP Package: dbrekelmans/bdi

PHP library for SEO optimization with advanced features for web development projects.

Current Version: 1.4.0
Last Updated: 2024-12-12
PHP Requirement: >=7.1
Dependencies: vendor1/library1, vendor2/library2, vendor3/library3
⚠️ To ensure full functionality, the above dependencies might be required.

Package Description

The dbrekelmans/bdi PHP library is a powerful tool designed to enhance SEO strategies by providing advanced functionalities for web developers. With a focus on performance and flexibility, this library offers a comprehensive set of features to improve search engine visibility and ranking. Utilize the bdi library to streamline your web development process and boost your online presence significantly.

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Download Latest Version: 1.4.0

Download Download v1.4.0

Code Integration Example

Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.


// Example from
require_once 'libs/dbrekelmans/bdi/1.4.0/autoload.php';

use dbrekelmans\bdi\MainClass;
use vendor1\library1\ClassA;
use vendor2\library2\ClassB;
use vendor3\library3\ClassC;

$obj = new dbrekelmans\bdi\MainClass();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";


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