PHP Package: doctrine/migrations

PHP Doctrine Migrations is a library that provides database migrations support for PHP applications. It allows developers to easily manage changes to the database schema over time.

Current Version: 3.8.2
Last Updated: 2024-10-10
PHP Requirement: >=7.1
Dependencies: doctrine/dbal, symfony/console
⚠️ To ensure full functionality, the above dependencies might be required.

Package Description

PHP Doctrine Migrations is a powerful tool for managing database schema changes in PHP projects. It offers a flexible and robust solution for versioning database schema changes, enabling developers to apply and revert migrations with ease. With PHP Doctrine Migrations, developers can maintain a clean and structured database schema throughout the development lifecycle.

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Download Latest Version: 3.8.2

Clock Coming soon

Code Integration Example

Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.


// Example from
require_once 'libs/doctrine/migrations/3.8.2/autoload.php';

use Doctrine\Migrations\Version\Direction;
use Doctrine\Migrations\Version\Factory;

$obj = new Doctrine\Migrations\Version\Direction();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";


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