PHP Package: mezzio/mezzio-laminasviewrenderer
Mezzio Laminas View Renderer is a PHP library for rendering views in Mezzio applications with Laminas components efficiently.
Package Description
Mezzio Laminas View Renderer is a powerful PHP library that seamlessly integrates Laminas view rendering capabilities into Mezzio projects. It provides a flexible and robust solution for managing views, templates, and layouts in Mezzio applications, enhancing the development experience and improving performance.
Code Integration Example
Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.
// Example from
require_once 'libs/mezzio/mezzio-laminasviewrenderer/lib_version/autoload.php';
use Mezzio\LaminasViewRenderer\ViewRenderer;
$obj = new Mezzio\LaminasViewRenderer\ViewRenderer();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";
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