PHP Package: prestashop/circuit-breaker

A PHP library for implementing the circuit breaker pattern to enhance fault tolerance and stability in distributed systems.

Current Version:
Last Updated:
PHP Requirement: >=7.1
Dependencies: phpunit/phpunit, guzzlehttp/guzzle, psr/log
⚠️ To ensure full functionality, the above dependencies might be required.

Package Description

The PrestaShop Circuit Breaker library provides a robust solution for handling network failures and preventing cascading failures in microservices architecture. It allows developers to gracefully degrade functionality when services are unavailable, thus improving system reliability. With configurable settings and detailed monitoring, this library is a valuable tool for building resilient applications.

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Code Integration Example

Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.


// Example from
require_once 'libs/prestashop/circuit-breaker/lib_version/autoload.php';

use PrestaShop\CircuitBreaker\CircuitBreaker;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

$obj = new PrestaShop\CircuitBreaker\CircuitBreaker();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";


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