PHP Package: laminas/laminas-soap
Laminas Soap is a powerful PHP library for handling SOAP requests and responses efficiently and securely, providing seamless integration with SOAP-based web services.
Package Description
Laminas Soap is a robust PHP library that simplifies SOAP communication by offering a comprehensive set of tools and features. With Laminas Soap, developers can effortlessly create, send, and receive SOAP messages, ensuring smooth interaction with SOAP services. The library prioritizes security, performance, and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for projects requiring SOAP integration. Laminas Soap adheres to industry standards, guaranteeing compatibility and reliability in SOAP-based applications.
Download Latest Version: 2.14.0

Code Integration Example
Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.
// Example from
require_once 'libs/laminas/laminas-soap/2.14.0/autoload.php';
use Laminas\Soap\Client;
use Laminas\Soap\Wsdl;
use Laminas\Soap\AutoDiscover;
use Laminas\Soap\Server;
$obj = new Laminas\Soap\Client();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";
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