PHP Package: laminas/laminas-json
Laminas JSON library provides powerful JSON encoding and decoding capabilities for PHP applications, ensuring efficient data interchange.
Package Description
Laminas JSON library offers a comprehensive set of functions for handling JSON data within PHP projects. It enables seamless encoding and decoding of JSON objects, arrays, and strings, facilitating smooth communication between various components of the application. With robust error handling and support for custom serializers, the library ensures secure and reliable data processing. Whether you need to interact with web services or store configuration settings, Laminas JSON library simplifies the manipulation of JSON data structures, enhancing the overall performance and functionality of your PHP applications.
Download Latest Version: 3.7.1

Code Integration Example
Make sure to include the correct namespace and class paths for proper usage.
// Example from
require_once 'libs/laminas/laminas-json/3.7.1/autoload.php';
use Laminas\Json\Json;
use Laminas\Json\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Laminas\Json\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
$obj = new Laminas\Json\Json();
echo "✅ Example created successfully.";
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